So many new details!
A new trailer for the upcoming Pokemon games Pokemon Sun and Moon just dropped. And boy did it show us some new things.
For starters (Get it?), they finally officially announced the final evolutions for the starters. Rowlet evolves into the dual Grass and Ghost type Decidueye. It has the ability Overgrow. It’s signature move is Spirit Shackle, which prevents the opponent from switching out.

Next, we have Litten’s final form, which is Incineroar – a dual Fire and Dark type. It has the ability Blaze and the signature move Darkest Lariat, which ignores the opponent’s stat changes.

Lastly, we have Popplio’s final form, Primarina, a dual Water and Fairy type. This Pokemon has the ability Torrent and can use its signature move, Sparkling Aria. Sparkling Aria removes a burn from any opponent it hits, which is pretty interesting.
Also shown in the trailer were the Guardians of Alola, which can be caught and have some very flashy signature moves.

The trailer also mentioned on a passing that the Alola region will in fact have a Pokemon League, except that it is still under development. Maybe this time around you can create a League to your own liking… ? That would certainly bring a new meaning to the word “customization” in Pokemon games!
Finally, the trailer shows the player teaming up with famous trainers, such as characters and champions from the previous games, including Cynthia, the Sinnoh champion, and Wally, a character from Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire (or OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire, if you prefer the updated versions).
But there’s more! Once you think the trailer is about to end, it drops one last piece of info – Red and Blue from Pokemon Red and Blue are back! You can challenge both of them at some point. Plus they’re looking a lot more “Alolan” this time around. I guess it would be pretty uncomfortable wearing a jacket and jeans on a tropical island. For some reason, though, Red looks off. Maybe it’s his eyebrows. Either way, it’s still pretty satisfying to see Red toss out his signature Pikachu.
You can check out the trailer itself below:
As each trailer comes, Pokemon Sun and Moon just keep looking better and better. Are you excited? Tell us in the comments which version you intend on getting!
Thanks, it’s quite informative