Here is one of my old posts on Nintendo Teens back in 2013. I was covering the stop-motion feature on the 3DS camera (also on the New 3DS) and the steps needed to use it. I remember using this to make many Lego videos a few years ago, and it still is a nice little feature today.
The original article:
The 3DS comes with a load of features. It has a gyro sensor, microphone, connection to the internet, a camera, and many more. They are all great and bring a sense of fun to using the 3DS in their own way, but right now I’m going to focus on the camera. The 3DS camera, though a bit fuzzy, can take 3D pictures as well as videos. That’s pretty impressive for a small device when you think about it. Included in the camera is a stop motion feature. With this, you can make inanimate objects seem like they are moving by taking multiple shots and slowly moving the object after each picture. You can do this easily by touching the red lever in the 3DS camera app. Then, out of the tabs that come up, hit the one to the far right with the gear on it. By selecting the button that says “Stop Motion”, the 3DS will allow you to take quick pictures and when you are done, it “Done” and the 3DS will string together the picture you took to a make a stop motion video.

Sounds easy, doesn’t it? Well, it didn’t used to be. Before, people had to take pictures with an actual camera, which takes a lot of time. With the 3DS, you can take a picture with the tap on a touch screen. Like I said before, the 3DS’s camera isn’t the best of the best, but with good lighting and the right distance you can make a better-than-average stop motion video.
Now, I don’t know about you, but the first thing that came to my mind when I think of stop motion is Lego videos. You can create basically any kind of object with them and therefore basically any kind of stop motion video. Move them a bit after each picture, remove your hand from the scene and snap the pic. Then do that once more. Yes, moving the object the smallest distance possible results in movements that flow smoother. Yes, it’s a bit tedious. Yes, you might knock something over, but this won’t ruin the video. All this can become easier and avoidable with practice and skill.
End of article
What do you think? Do you use the stop-motion feature?