Nintendo Secretive About Japanese Exclusive 3DS Game “Miitopia”

It’s coming Holiday 2016, but what is it?

Japan is getting a mysterious new 3DS title this holiday, called “Miitopia”. No details have dropped recently as to what it is, though.

First announced by Nintendo during a Japanese Nintendo Direct last month, all that is known about the title is that it will be both digital and physical, and that it obviously includes Miis in one way or another. Perhaps it is a game similar to the Mii minigames in the 3DS Streetpass Mii Plaza app?

President of Nintendo Tatsumi Kimishima mentioned it during a financial meeting for Nintendo in Japan recently. “Miitopia, for which we have only announced the title, will be released by the end of this year,” he said. He went on to describe it as an “exciting title” that will have more press at “a later date”.




Hopefully we’ll get some more news soon enough, seeing as the game is very close to its Holiday 2016 launch date. For those of you not residing in Japan (myself included), there may be a chance that the game will see the light of day in other countries. We’ll just have to be patient.

It seems that Nintendo is definately confident in the game, but is not quite ready to announce anything for the time being. They have a lot on their plate right now, with the recent announcement of the Nintendo Switch sending everyone into an excited frenzy. That and the release of Pokemon Sun and Moon coming November 18, less than a month away. A new trailer just dropped for the game, revealing new characters and ‘mons.

What are your thoughts on the plethora of Nintendo announements recently?