Heads Will be Bashed in PART 1 of Smash Bros: Free for All on Cube Command Gaming!

Tensions are high, fists are flying, and we’re also playing Super Smash Bros. Wii U: Free for All! Who will survive? Who will fall? Watch to find out!


Subscribe to the Cube Command YouTube Channel, a Let’s Play channel featuring me and my friends Nick, Jessie, and Tia.
Check out my personal YouTube channel, TomAntio, where I do skits, reviews, unboxings, and of course, gameplay!
Also head on over to JessieT! She does hilarious gaming, vlogs, and streams!

You can listen to the Cube Command Podcast right here! It’s also available on iTunes, blubrry.com, TechPodcastNetwork, and Stitcher Radio.

Thanks for watching!

Sonic Mania Part 1 on YouTube

It’s time for a retro revival with our Sonic Mania (PS4) playthrough! This will alternate with Pokken Tournament VS each week! Enjoy!

Part 1:

Subscribe to Cube Command on YouTube for more! We usually post one episode each weekend.

Also be sure to check out TomAntio on YouTube!

Unboxing the Sonic Mania Collector’s Edition (PS4)

It’s time for the Sonic Mania Collector’s Edition Unboxing! I’ll be unboxing the PlayStation 4 version, although the Xbox One version is identical save for a green Xbox One label on the top as opposed to the blue PS4 one. Give it a watch and let me know what you think!

Subscribe to TomAntio for more unboxings, skit, reviews, and gameplay!

Get ready for our full Sonic Mania playthrough on the Cube Command Youtube channel! Also check out the Cube Command Podcast!

Thanks for watching!

[Mania Hype!] Sonic the Hedgehog 2 – Part 3 (Finale) – GET THOSE AIR BUBBLES | Cube Command

And now for a water level.

It’s time to wrap up our Sonic the Hedgehog 2 miniseries on the Cube Command Youtube Channel which is in anticipation for Sonic Mania, an official revival of the classic Sonic games. The version of Sonic 2 we are playing is the original Genesis version on Tommy’s SEGA Genesis, which means that there are NO save states. This is also the reason why it isn’t a FULL playthrough, alongside the fact that we wanted to keep it short.

Just a heads up: we’re doing 2-player, so there’s plenty of raging – especially when we enter the special stages! Enjoy!

Part 3:

Thanks for watching! Be sure to subscribe to Cube Command on Youtube for more gaming action and check out TomAntio for new reviews and unboxings! Look out for the Sonic Mania Collector’s Edition Unboxing video once it releases as well as a full Sonic Mania playthrough here on Cube Command!

[Mania Hype!] Sonic the Hedgehog 2 – Part 2 – Capri Sun Land | Cube Command

Is grape juice pink?

We’re continuing our Sonic the Hedgehog 2 miniseries on the Cube Command Youtube Channel. Sonic Mania is an official revival classic Sonic games. The version we are playing is the original Genesis version on Tommy’s SEGA Genesis, which means that there are NO save states.

Just a heads up: we’re doing 2-player, so there’s plenty of raging – especially when we enter the special stages! Enjoy!

Part 2:

Thanks for watching! Be sure to subscribe to Cube Command on Youtube for more gaming action and check out TomAntio for new reviews and unboxings! Look out for the Sonic Mania Collector’s Edition Unboxing video once it releases!

[Mania Hype!] Sonic the Hedgehog 2 – Part 1 – GET THE EMERALDS | Cube Command

Time for a classic.

In anticipation for Sonic Mania, which is an official revival of the 2-D style classic Sonic games, we’ve started a Sonic the Hedgehog 2 miniseries on the Cube Command Youtube Channel. We will see how far we can make it in three episodes. The version we are playing is the original Genesis version on Tommy’s SEGA Genesis, which means that there are NO save states.

Just a heads up: we’re doing 2-player, so there’s plenty of raging – especially when we enter the special stages! Enjoy!

Part 1:

Thanks for watching! Be sure to subscribe to Cube Command on Youtube for more gaming action and check out TomAntio for new reviews and unboxings! Look out for the Sonic Mania Collector’s Edition Unboxing video next week!

This Sonic Fan Game is a mix of Classic and 3-D

A game for both classic and modern Sonic fans

Fan games are the result of hard work fueled by the sheer dedication a person or a team of people have toward a specific franchise. Of all the fan games I’ve seen, most never fail to impress. They embody exactly what the fans themselves would like to see, and sometimes with a twist from the creator.

The Sonic franchise has had many, many fan games in the past few years. But this new Sonic fan-game, made by Youtuber The Great Lange, does what few have attempted before. It mixes elements from modern and classic games, making a sort of classic-modern hybrid. Essentially, it’s Classic Sonic in 3-D. The Great Lange recently released the game, called Sonic Utopia, as well as a reveal trailer:



Sonic Utopia includes many different abilities present in past games such as the spin dash, the homing attack, and the fan-favorite super peel-out. From what it looks like, it’s very focused on momentum, being able to scale high walls by picking up speed. Plus, it seems to run as smooth as butter.

Who knows if SEGA will have it taken down or allow it to keep getting support, but one thing is clear – it’s a very high quality project that obviously had a lot of time and effort put into it.

On the subject of official Sonic titles, there are two on the way for next year, with trailers for those games as well. The classic continuation titled Sonic Mania is set to release Spring 2017 and the mysterious modern installment, dubbed Project Sonic 2017, is set for Holiday 2017.