For Pokemon’s 20th Anniversary, Nintendo is distributing various legendary Pokemon to players via Nintendo Network. This month, that Pokemon is the mythical Victini, the Victory Pokemon.

This offer is available to those who have a Nintendo Network account and also have either Pokemon OmegaRuby, Pokemon AlphaSapphire, or Pokemon X, or Y. Yes, you DO need internet access to get this offer. To receive it, all you have to do is select Mystery Gift after starting up the game, and choose “Get via Internet”. Then just enter your save file and talk to the postman at the nearest Pokemon Center and enjoy your new Victini!
When you receive Victini, the dual psychic/fire type Pokemon will already be level 100, as well as know the moves Incinerate, Quick Attack, Endure, and Confusion. It will also have the ability Victory Star. Sounds like a good deal.
Remember, Victini is only available between Sept. 1, 2016 through Sept. 24, 2016 (with more monsters in the way), so be sure to get him while you can! And keep checking Cube Command to stay updated on the new Event Pokemon as the months roll on!